Blessings Clearing House Uncategorized This is what I have learned- It is all spiritual!

This is what I have learned- It is all spiritual!

This is what I have learned-It Is All Spiritual!


Knowledge is key to life
A library of books about spirituality, is worthless without a strong desire to apply the knowledge within them!

           I am older now than I was yesterday.  In fact, I have more days behind me than I have in front of me! So, what does that have to do with you and where you find yourself today?  Well…hopefully, I can share with you some of the wisdom born of the many successes and mistakes I have made throughout my accumulated years. All of which boils down to thinking and the type of thinking we engage in. The true learning is what we learn about ourselves, and it is always spiritual!

Imagine Yourself Differently Spiritually to Live Differently!

How would you like to win all the time?  What if you had knowledge that guaranteed success each and every time you ventured into a new adventure? I believe it is possible. I also believe that I am where I am, and you are where you are based upon the decisions we made and the information we used to make those decisions.  I further believe that the frustration we feel is based upon our innate knowledge that there is a better, more enjoyable and fulfilling way to live than we’ve experienced to date.

I’d like to add to our conversation a moment to play a game that I played when I was younger.  My cousin and I played the “what if” game.  I am sure many children played this game. You played the game by posing questions like this.  What if ants made honey instead of Bees? What if fish flew? What if trees were called cows? What if you could just think of a place and you would be there? You could play this game all day and sometimes it seemed we did!  There were no categories that were off limits. The merit of this game was that it allowed our imagination to soar.  Our lack of science, math or any other discipline didn’t hinder our imaginative capacity.  So, let’s play the “what if game”.

(Insert something about imagination)

What if Jesus was sent here to reveal to us how to live on this planet while living through our earth suit.  What if he came to help us live using our 5 senses but not be distracted by them? What if he really didn’t come here to establish a church, but just to remind us of who and what we really are?

I know those questions or statements, cause many of you some consternation. Yet, these are questions or statements that we need to deal with. 

There is a Science to Living the Life You Want!

The sky is the limit!
Your imagination can only soar as high as your knowledge of your spirituality!

In the course of our lives, we are confronted by many circumstances and situations that cause us to wonder “why”. We most of the time, never seem to get an answer to our questions.  War, famine, death, divorce, disease, all seem to occur generationally without abatement! There seems to be something always trying to “take us out”.  Even in the midst of whatever good shows up in our life, we are still waiting for the shoe to drop or something bad to happen!

We accept the scientific laws that govern the universe as we know it.  Laws such as the Big Bang Theory, Hubble’s Law of Cosmic Expansion, Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion, Universal Law of Gravitation, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Laws of Thermodynamics, Archimedes’ Buoyancy Principle, Evolution and Natural Selection. All of these scientific laws help us to navigate through this physical world effectively. Without the proper application of these laws, we would not be able to communicate, fly from one end of the world to the other or manufacture machines that enable us to diagnose and treat the various physical challenges we face. Can you imagine having a tooth pulled without anesthetics!

There are spiritual laws governing the universe and us!

What if there were things in place to help us understand how life really happens. What are the rules or laws that govern life?  Laws such as, The 12 Spiritual Laws of the Universe: The Law of Divine Oneness / The Law of One, The Law of Vibration, The Law of Correspondence / The Law of Repeating Patterns, The Law of Attraction, The Law of Inspired Action, The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, The Law of Cause and Effect, The Law of Compensation. Now you may say, “I’ve never heard about these laws!”  Or you might say, “what do these laws have anything to do with the Bible and God?”

I hope you will join me as I share my thoughts along this path.  The information we will cover is not new.  It is simple and difficult at the same time. We will talk about money, health, relationships and life in general. Yet, at the end of the day…it is all spiritual!

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